(Recertification or Certification)
Outagamie County will be hosting two on-site sessions for Pesticide Applicator Training for General Farming that will include the exam after the training.
- You will need to purchase a copy of the Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training Manual ($43) available from the UW PAT store website at https://patstore.wisc.edu/secure/collection/private/17. Those who wish to purchase materials via mail order form can download it directly at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/pat/files/2019/05/private-order-form-1.pdf.
- After purchasing the manual, you must register for the training session you would like to attend for an additional $10 at https://patstore.wisc.edu/secure/collection/private/45. You must bring the manual with you as it will be needed during the exam, and it also contains your receipt, which admits you to the testing session. Do not detach receipt before the testing session.
Space is limited to 20 people per session and online registration must be completed ahead of time.
Thursday, January 30, 2025 – 9am to approximately 3pm
Extension Outagamie County Office – 3365 W Brewster Street, Appleton
Lunch on your own-bring bag lunch or eat at a nearby restaurant.
Friday, February 21, 2025 – 9am to approximately 3pm
Extension Outagamie County Office – 3365 W Brewster Street, Appleton
Lunch on your own-bring bag lunch or eat at a nearby restaurant.
Please arrive at 8:45am (15 minutes before the scheduled time) to get signed in, receive instructions, etc. Training begins promptly at 9am.
The training manual is more in-depth than required for certification, but past experiences have shown that individuals who have reviewed the manual in a conscientious manner prior to taking the evaluation had a higher success rate than those who did not. You will find the manual to be an excellent reference for information on pest management principles that you may need in the future.
Also remember to bring a pocket calculator, proof of identification, (driver’s license or photo ID) and social security number. Cell phones must be turned off during testing.
If you have any questions, please contact the Extension Office at 920-832-1859.
Additional Training Options
Option 1: Self-Study (must have 70% pass grade) Testing times and locations TBD
Purchase the manual, study on your own and take the test. Visit the UW PAT Program website https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/pat/county-testing-sites/ to find out which counties are providing tests. Tests are by appointment only.
Option 2: Online Self-Paced training (50% pass grade)
If applicators would like to attend an online training, registration is on the UW PAT Store https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eKdnoW4yNKCPPGS. You must purchase a manual and show the proctor the course completion confirmation email coded as “attended a training.”
Option 3: In-Person Training with Exam (50% pass grade)
If applicators would like to attend an in-person training, those are now also all being conducted by the UW PAT Program. Registration is on the UW PAT Store https://patstore.wisc.edu/secure/collection/private/45.
Option 4: Testing with Pearson VUE (must have 70% pass grade)
Farmers can take the test with the private testing company Pearson VUE.
- Purchase a training manual at the PAT Store https://patstore.wisc.edu/secure/collection/private/17.
- Pearson VUE provides your test results right after the exam and your certification will be sent to you via email within 3 business days.
- The exam costs $45.
- You need a score of 70% or greater to pass. Attending a training does not reduce the passing score.
- A copy of your manual will be embedded in the on-screen test. Pearson VUE does not allow printed manuals to be used while testing.
If you have questions about your certification status/when your license expires, please visit: http://www.kellysolutions.com/WI/Applicators/index.asp.