4-H is a youth organization aiming to “enable” young people with skills to lead for a lifetime and to “make the best better.”
Youth are members of community clubs where they meet monthly to learn life skills such as leadership, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and dedication. 4-H members are actively involved in countless hours of community service each year.
Youth pick out projects that interest them when enrolling in 4-H. They might choose an animal project such as dairy, beef, or swine or maybe they
will decide to learn about woodworking, robotics, foods, birds, or mechanical sciences.
Outagamie County has a 4-H membership of over 400 youth who are guided by almost 200 volunteers.

How Your Sponsorship Helps
The following is a list of some of the activities and events held to further develop these future leaders.
- Music and Drama Festivals
- Family Learning Day
- Numerous county project meetings
- Giant Pumpkin and Sunflower Contests
- 4-H Basketball Tournament
- Educational Travel Experiences
- Explore Wisconsin
- Space Camp
- WI 4-H and Youth Conference
- Citizenship Washington Focus
- American Spirit Experience
- Opportunities for state 4-H teams
Sponsorship Levels
White Clover ($50 – $250 donation)
Name printed in our 4-H Family Handbook
Green Clover ($251-$500 donation)
Name/logo printed in our 4-H Family Handbook
Name/logo printed in our newsletter 6 times/year
Gold Clover (over $500 donation)
Name/logo printed in our newsletter 6 times/year
Name/logo printed in our 4-H Family Handbook
Name/logo displayed at the Outagamie County Fair during the fair
4 tickets to the annual county 4-H Leaders’ Recognition Dinner.