Crops & Soils

MISSION: To provide producers and related agribusinesses with research-based information that will allow them to make environmentally sound and economically feasible production decision.


  • Improve agriculture profitability and assure food quality
  • Enhance stewardship of the environment
  • Develop and serve urban agriculture


  • Ag Insider – An inside look at the science behind how we make our alfalfa seeding recommendations
A red rectangle with a white triangle over an image of a hand holding alfalfa


Links of Interest

File Downloads


If you have any questions regarding Crops & Soils in Outagamie or Winnebago Counties, please contact:

Kevin Jarek | Crops and Soils Educator
Outagamie and Winnebago Counties
3365 W. Brewster St. | Appleton, WI 54914
Phone: 920-832-4763 | Wisconsin Relay: 711
Fax: 920-832-4783

Support Extension