2025 Pesticide Applicator Training

(Recertification or Certification) Outagamie County will be hosting two on-site sessions for Pesticide Applicator Training for General Farming that will include the exam after the training.  Space is limited to 20 people per session and online registration must be completed ahead of time. Thursday, January 30, 2025 – 9am to approximately 3pmExtension Outagamie County Office […]

2025 Outagamie Forage Council Scholarship Award

The Outagamie County Forage Council is proud to sponsor a $500 educational scholarship for a deserving youth entering or already enrolled in post-secondary education in the area of agriculture.  The award is designed to recognize outstanding individual accomplishment and achievement.  Students completing their senior year of high school who have enrolled in or those students […]

Farm Pulse: Crop Insurance and Grain Marketing

An online course with in-person meetings from January to April 2024 for farmers interested in learning the importance of risk management, crop insurance, and grain marketing. What will I learn in this course? The course is arranged in eight modules that participants work through at their own pace.  The in-person sessions noted below are meant […]

2023 Outagamie Forage Council Corn Silage Drydown Events

The Outagamie Forage Council/Midwest Forage Association (MFA) in partnership with Extension Outagamie County and Fox Valley Technical College (FVTC) will sponsor four 2023 Corn Silage Drydown events. Farmers, agronomists, and professional consultants should bring 4-5 stalks from each field for testing.  Dates and locations are listed below. Samples that cannot be processed on site will […]

Extension Offers Badger Crop Connect

The Badger Crop Connect series provides agronomists, crop consultants and farmers timely crop updates for Wisconsin. CEU’s are available by topic for each presentation. Webinars offered on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. (April – October 2023)  2023 Badger Crop Connect Series begins April 12 Spring Topics Include

DATCP Lifts State Order Prohibiting Poultry at Live Events

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) announces that the statewide order prohibiting movement of poultry to all live events has been lifted. The order had been in effect since May to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Wisconsin. While poultry is now permitted at live events, DATCP […]

Determining the Value of Standing Alfalfa in 2022

Kevin Jarek – UW-Madison, Division of Extension, Crops and Soils Agent – Outagamie County Determining a “fair” market value for standing alfalfa during the 2022 growing season may be a challenge considering the highly favorable market conditions for corn and soybeans. Opportunity cost can be defined as the loss of a (potential) gain from other possible […]

What Do Crop Enterprise Budgets Tell Us About Potential Returns in 2022?

Kevin Jarek, Extension Outagamie County Crops and Soils Agent Crop Enterprise Budget Planning is not exactly a task that gets people excited. My experience suggests it ranks somewhere between a trip to the dentist and filing income taxes each year. However, 2022 is going to present challenges beyond pricing. Availability (or lack thereof) is the […]

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