Outagamie County COVID-19 Food Resources

People around Wisconsin face challenges in getting the food they need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Safety concerns make it challenging to shop for food, and limited income makes it harder to afford food. Children are no longer getting meals at school, and many food assistance programs are operating differently during the pandemic. This Food Resource […]

United Way’s 211 Now Accepts Non-Medical COVID-19 Related Calls

United Way’s 2-1-1 Key Resource for Non-Medical COVID-19 Information March 18, 2020—Northeast Wisconsin: As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) begins to affect our local communities, the public is looking for answers. Health systems and public health are being inundated with calls. To provide some relief and direct calls to the most appropriate resource, United Way’s 2-1-1 service […]

Home Alone

Like many parents, you might be trying to decide if it is safe to leave your school-age child home alone during the school break or unsupervised while you go out.  Home Alone is a online video training program that is available free of charge from UW-Madison, Division of Extension.  It will help you and your child […]

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